During the first Test match between India and New Zealand, Indian fans witnessed a particularly unlucky dismissal of their captain, Rohit Sharma, in the second innings. It happened in the 22nd over, when Ajaz Patel delivered a length ball that Rohit appeared to handle well, stepping forward to defend it. However, after making contact with his bat, the ball rolled back unexpectedly towards the stumps.
Rohit focused on his next move, didn’t notice the ball creeping back until it was too late. It clipped the stumps, dislodging the bails, and Rohit was dismissed for 52 runs. The timing couldn’t have been worse, as India was in a crucial phase of the game. Rohit’s frustration was clear as he walked back to the pavilion, visibly disheartened by the unexpected turn of events.
Here is a clip of the unfortunate dismissal of Rohit Sharma.
After New Zealand posted a total of 402 runs, India faced a daunting target, trailing by 356 runs in their response. Rohit Sharma and Yashasvi Jaiswal provided a solid start for the team, but at 72 runs, Jaiswal was dismissed for a well-crafted 35. Shortly after, Rohit departed, contributing 52 runs and leaving the score at 95. As it stands, India is positioned at 172-2, with Virat Kohli and Sarfaraz Khan currently at the crease.