Rohit Sharma’s captaincy faced quick disapproval, with many calling it too defensive during India’s test against New Zealand in Pune. Both Dinesh Karthik and Ian Smith noted that Rohit’s approach allowed New Zealand’s batters to rotate the strike comfortably, putting little pressure on them. This strategy, they argued, raised concerns about his tactical choices in the match.
As India now faces the tough possibility of a complete whitewash, with New Zealand leading the three-match test series 2-0 before the final game at Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai on November 1. Rohit Sharma’s disappointment was evident after the Pune defeat. Although he appeared calm, Ravi Shastri believes the loss has deeply affected both Rohit and the Indian team, stressing that Rohit, as a proud player, likely feels it the most.
Ravi Shastri in an interview said:
Rohit Sharma is a proud man. He will not take it lightly. Let me assure you of that. His body language might suggest that he’s very relaxed. But deep down, he’ll be hurting and hurting big. Not just with him but with every Indian player in that dressing room.
The Indian team aims to make an impact in the third Test of the series, hoping to avoid a home whitewash. They are determined to secure a victory in this final match to restore team morale and end the series on a positive note after two losses.