India’s star cricketer, Virat Kohli, has reportedly blocked singer Rahul Vaidya on Instagram, leaving both the singer and fans puzzled. In an interview, Rahul Vaidya, a former Bigg Boss contestant, expressed confusion over the situation, stating that he did not understand why Kohli blocked him, as he has always praised the cricketer. He said:
Mujhe zyada pata nahi, Virat Kohli ne block hi kar dia hai mujhe toh Instagram pe. Mujhe aaj tak samajh nahi aaya ki bhai ne block kyun kiya. Main toh humesha se hi… (I don’t know much, Virat Kohli has blocked me on Instagram. I don’t know till date why he blocked me. I’ve always praised him). He’s one of the best batsmen in our country. Toh pata nahi, shayad kuchh hua hoga. Mujhe abhi tak samajh nahi aaya ki block kyun kia hai. (So I don’t know, something must have happened. I don’t know yet why he’s blocked me).
The incident has sparked a wave of speculation online, with some humorous comments, including one suggesting that Kohli’s children might have accidentally blocked Vaidya. Kohli, married to actress Anushka Sharma, has two children, Vamika and Akaay.
Rahul Vaidya, who rose to fame as a finalist on Indian Idol and Bigg Boss 14, continues to enjoy popularity among fans. The story has captured widespread attention, with many wondering what could have caused this social media fallout between the two public figures, especially given there has been no prior public conflict between them.