Vinod Kambli, the former Indian cricketer, has accepted Kapil Dev’s proposal to visit rehab once again to address his ongoing health and financial struggles. Kambli, once a promising talent in Indian cricket, has faced numerous challenges in recent years. He has been dealing with significant health issues, as seen during a memorial event for his coach, Ramakant Achrekar.
His financial situation has also been difficult, with reports revealing that he now survives on a BCCI pension of just ₹30,000 per month, far from the ₹8 crore worth of properties he once owned. He said:
Sure, I have no hesitation (to enter rehab), because until I have my family with me, I’m not afraid of anything, anybody. I will complete it and return it. I will come back.
Despite having visited rehab 14 times before, Kambli agreed to Kapil Dev’s suggestion during a YouTube interview, expressing his willingness to enter rehab again. He stated, “Until I have my family with me, I’m not afraid of anything”. It is heartening to see Kambli receiving support from former teammates like Kapil Dev during these tough times.