With the Under-19 Asia Cup currently underway, young talents are showcasing their skills on the big stage. One such rising star is Andre Siddarth, a surprise pick for Chennai Super Kings (CSK) in the IPL 2025 mega auction. Siddarth, a part of India’s U19 Asia Cup squad, has impressed with his domestic performances, including scoring 372 runs with four fifties in six matches during the ongoing Ranji Trophy season. His consistent form earned him a spot in the Asia Cup team, where he displayed flashes of brilliance, including a solid 35 runs against Japan.
However, Siddarth’s dream of representing India in the U19 World Cup has been shattered due to an unfortunate technicality. Born on August 28, 2006, he missed the age cutoff by just three days. The eligibility deadline for the tournament was September 1, 2006, disqualifying him from participating in the prestigious event.
Despite this setback, Siddarth’s selection by CSK for INR 30 lakh in the IPL auction highlights his growing reputation in Indian domestic cricket. His potential to thrive in T20 formats, given his strong domestic performances, makes him one of the exciting young prospects to watch out for in the future.