Junaid Khan shared a video on social media showing Vaibhav Suryavanshi’s explosive 67 runs off 36 balls in the ACC U-19 Asia Cup semi-final against Sri Lanka, including five sixes and six boundaries. The former Pakistan pacer questioned if a 13-year-old could hit such long sixes.
Junaid Khan’s caption, “Can a 13-year-old kid really hit such a long six?” sparked a debate on social media and among cricket fans, questioning the teenager’s age. It raised doubts once again to discussions about the authenticity of his performances in the ACC U-19 Asia Cup 2024.
Vaibhav Suryavanshi’s remarkable six over the rooftop of the venue left Junaid Khan in disbelief. His explosive knock helped India secure a seven-wicket victory, earning him the Player of the Match award. Suryavanshi’s performance highlighted his talent and ability to deliver under pressure.
Vaibhav Suryavanshi was one of India’s top run-scorers, accumulating 176 runs in five matches, including two half-centuries. His blistering 76 against the UAE and a crucial knock in the semifinal against Sri Lanka were standout performances, showcasing his exceptional skill in the recent ACC U-19 Asia Cup 2024.