After leading India to victory in the 2024 T20 World Cup following Rohit Sharma’s tenure, Suryakumar Yadav has been relishing his role as captain. His next challenge is the white-ball series against England, where the Men in blue will host a multi-format series starting January 22.
The Mumbai batter is likely to captain the T20I team in the five-match series against England, though the squad is yet to be announced. With some time off before returning to national duties, Suryakumar Yadav visited Shirdi with his wife Devisha Shetty to seek blessings at the Sai Baba Temple on January 9.
In 2024, India’s captain excelled in T20 cricket, scoring 429 runs in 18 matches. He hit four half-centuries, including a top score of 75 against Bangladesh in a recent series. With an impressive strike rate of 151.59, he currently holds the fourth spot in the ICC T20I rankings.
In the last T20 World Cup, the Indian captain impressed by scoring 199 runs in eight games with a strike rate of 135.37, placing him among the tournament’s top 10 scorers. One highlight was his stunning boundary catch to dismiss David Miller, helping India secure a memorable win in the final at Barbados.