Visuals shared with The Indian Express show rainwater leaking from multiple spots on the dressing room roof. Some players reportedly had their kit bags damaged by the water, raising ongoing concerns about the conditions of Ranji Trophy venues. The situation has sparked questions about the suitability and maintenance of these facilities for important matches.
This isn’t the first time the venue’s facilities have faced criticism. Last season, former India batsman Manoj Tiwary, who was playing his final season for Bengal in the Ranji Trophy, commented on the ground’s condition during a Facebook live session, sharing his concerns about the setup.
Manoj Tiwary commented on the matter, saying:
We are playing Kerala in a ground, not a stadium despite there being one built years ago, we are being asked to play in a ground on the outskirts of the State. The dressing rooms are such that you cannot even strategize properly since our dressing room and the opposite dressing room are so close to each other that you can hear what the others are saying. There is no privacy. I hope that this is looked into in the future.