Indian captain Rohit Sharma has been under a lot of scrutiny due to his recent poor form in Test cricket, managing only 152 runs in his last 13 innings at an average of 11.69. His fitness has also been questioned, with former South African cricketer Daryll Cullinan calling him “overweight” and unfit for the demands of Test cricket. Cullinan labeled him a “flat track bully” and a potential liability for the team.
Herschelle Gibbs, another former South African cricketer and former teammate of Rohit at Mumbai Indians and Deccan Chargers, echoed these sentiments, stating that players must maintain fitness to contribute fully to the team. He said:
I don’t need to mention any names. You can see everything on TV. Those guys that are unfit and carrying a little bit extra, I mean, the whole world is there to see. I think it’s up to the individual. I was only a batter. Rohit doesn’t bowl. It’s up to the individual for me with regards to how much they want to contribute, not only in their own specific skill. If you’re a bowler or a batter, your duty is still to be fit and to try and make a contribution in the field. Those guys that are unfit and carrying a little bit extra, I mean, the whole world is there to see. I don’t need to mention any names. The mindset should be, especially with a lot of T20 cricket and obviously with the Champions Trophy coming up, how much you want to contribute and make a difference for your team.
Gibbs emphasized that it is up to individual players to decide how much they want to contribute, especially with the growing focus on T20 cricket. Rohit now faces the challenge of proving his critics wrong in the upcoming matches of the ongoing Test series against Australia.