With the divorce rumors between Yuzvendra Chahal and Dhanashree Verma, Bigg Boss 18 has ramped up its excitement with a star-studded Weekend Ka Vaar. This time, Indian cricketers Shreyas Iyer and Yuzvendra Chahal are set to join the show alongside Shashank Singh, adding a cricketing flavor to the reality show’s dramatic mix. Their presence is expected to bring unique charm and lighthearted moments to the intense competition.
Adding to the entertainment quotient, Bollywood actors Raveena Tandon, Rasha Tandon, and Aaman Devgan will also grace the show to promote their upcoming film Azaad. The episode featuring these actors will air on Saturday, while the cricketers’ much-awaited entry is scheduled for Sunday.
Bigg Boss 18, telecast on Colors TV and available for streaming on JioCinema, is nearing its finale, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats. Contestants are battling for the coveted Ticket to Finale, ensuring drama and unexpected twists.
The addition of these cricketing icons and Bollywood stars is set to elevate the show’s entertainment quotient as the audience eagerly anticipates the interactions between the celebrities and host Salman Khan. The episodes promise to deliver a weekend packed with laughter, drama, and surprises.