India’s new T20 opener and one of the best strikers, Sanju Samson, celebrated Rajinikanth’s 74th birthday with a unique AI-generated post. The cricketer, a longtime admirer of the Superstar, shared an image of himself dancing alongside Rajinikanth, captioning it, “Anything is possible when it’s Thalaivar’s birthday”.
The post quickly went viral, with fans showering love and sharing their own AI edits. Samson, who has been vocal about his Rajinikanth fandom, attended special screenings of the actor’s films and even had the opportunity to meet him at his Chennai residence last year, a dream come true after 21 years.
In an interview, he credited Rajinikanth for sparking his interest in Tamil cinema, which helped him learn the language despite being a native Malayalam speaker. He said:
At the age of 7, already being a Super Rajni fan, I told my parents… See, one day I will go and meet Rajni sir in his house. After 21 years, that day has come when The Thalaivar invited me.
This celebration further exemplifies Samson’s admiration for the legendary actor.