The IPL has seen its share of controversies, with the Virat Kohli-Naveen-ul-Haq spat during IPL 2023 being one of the most infamous. The heated altercation occurred during a match between Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) and Lucknow Super Giants (LSG), escalating when LSG mentor Gautam Gambhir got involved. The incident garnered widespread attention, highlighting tensions in high-stakes games.
LSG owner Sanjiv Goenka later addressed the matter, stating on the TRS Podcast that he encouraged Naveen to channel his frustration into performance rather than confrontation. Goenka advised Naveen to focus on taking wickets as a response, emphasizing maturity over aggression:
That situation took place during a game. So I will not comment on whether it was right or wrong. It is easy to be judgmental but it is not for us to judge. I just told Naveen that if you need any support or you are feeling insecure, we are there to support you. But it is not about showing that you have the spirit to fight. If I was in your position, I would have said – You said this to me. Now I will bowl in such a manner that I will take all of your team’s wickets.
Following the controversy, Naveen stoked flames by sharing a social media post mocking Kohli’s dismissal against Mumbai Indians. However, the two players resolved their differences during the 2023 ODI World Cup in a heartwarming on-field gesture.
Goenka described Kohli and Naveen as “large-hearted”, praising their reconciliation. He drew parallels to other cricketing disputes, such as one involving Mohammed Siraj and Travis Head, underscoring that such incidents are not uncommon in competitive cricket.