For the IPL 2025, Axar Patel is set to captain the Delhi Capitals, as revealed by Dinesh Karthik during Cricbuzz’s “HeyCB with DK” show. Despite the franchise acquiring KL Rahul for INR 14 crore during the auction, Axar, who has been with DC since 2019, will take on the leadership role. Axar’s experience includes a brief stint as captain in IPL 2024 when he replaced Rishabh Pant for one match. The 30-year-old was retained for a substantial INR 18 crore ahead of the 2025 season. Karthik said:
For Axar Patel, all the very best (for India vice-captaincy). A good opportunity for him. He is going to be the Delhi Capitals’ captain as well. So here is a good opportunity for him to lead and show the way. He has been doing that for Gujarat as well. So, wish him all the luck.
This decision comes as a surprise, given KL Rahul’s extensive IPL captaincy experience with Punjab Kings and Lucknow Super Giants. Rahul, who captained LSG from 2022 to 2024, will now play as a specialist batter for DC. His batting position could become a crucial aspect of the team’s strategy, as he has excelled as an opener for PBKS and LSG but has also shown adaptability in the middle order for India.
Axar’s promotion to captain coincides with his recent appointment as India’s vice-captain for the T20I series against England. The official announcement of the captaincy is awaited, but Karthik’s comment seems to confirm Axar’s leadership role for IPL 2025.