India’s middle-order batter, Karun Nair, is hopeful of making a comeback to the Indian cricket team following his sensational form in the ongoing Vijay Hazare Trophy. The 33-year-old Vidarbha captain has amassed 756 runs, including five centuries, at an exceptional average of 756. After nearly three years in the cricketing wilderness, Nair has rekindled his hopes of playing for India again, after a long gap since his last appearance in the national team.
Despite his remarkable performance, Nair remains cautious, acknowledging that the final decision rests with the selectors. With India’s squad yet to be announced for the upcoming series against England and the ICC Champions Trophy, Nair continues to focus on his performances, stating that his dream of representing India is still alive. Reflecting on his struggles and setbacks, Nair admits his career was uncertain at one point, but he found renewed motivation through hard work and persistence.
Nair’s resurgence is a testament to his dedication, with the batsman maintaining that he has not changed his approach. He is now focusing on one innings at a time, as he heads into the Vijay Hazare final against Karnataka, with his eyes set on a potential return to the international stage.