Amid the divorce rumors between Yuzvendra Chahal and Dhanashree Verma, the couple has grabbed attention following their recent social media actions. Both unfollowed each other, and Chahal reportedly removed several posts featuring Dhanashree. The duo, who tied the knot in December 2020, had been admired for their public chemistry, leaving fans shocked by the apparent tensions.
Adding fuel to the fire, a photo of Dhanashree with choreographer Pratik Utekar went viral. The image, believed to be from an after-party for Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa, showed the two in matching black outfits, sparking speculation of a romantic link. Pratik, known for working with Bollywood stars like Salman Khan and Priyanka Chopra, faced criticism online after the picture circulated. Responding to the backlash, he shared a cryptic Instagram story dismissing the rumors, stating, “Grow up, guys”.
Despite the swirling gossip, neither Chahal nor Dhanashree has issued an official statement about their relationship. Chahal’s fans, however, continue to express concern over his apparent emotional state, as another video of him allegedly intoxicated also surfaced online. These developments have fueled debates about the couple’s future, leaving fans eager for clarity.