In a fierce bidding war with Royal Challengers Bengaluru, the defending IPL signed Venkatesh Iyer for a huge 23.75 crore. Interestingly, the Kolkata team couldn’t bring back their IPL-winning captain Shreyas Iyer, as they withdrew from the auction when his price crossed Rs 10 crore.
Rumors hinted that Venkatesh Iyer might captain in the upcoming IPL season, but reports suggest Ajinkya Rahane was signed for the leadership role. Venkatesh stated that he aims to be a leader in the dressing room, even if he isn’t named KKR’s captain. He said:
I’ve always maintained that I want to be a leader in any set-up that I walk into, be it Madhya Pradesh, an IPL team, or even the Indian team. Being a leader, you want to contribute with your ideas, and with your suggestions. You don’t really need the captaincy tag for that. So I always want to be a leader in the dressing room. And if captaincy comes my way, it will be an honour to lead such a reputed franchise. Let’s see what’s in store for me.
Venkatesh Iyer acknowledged feeling the pressure of his high price tag but said it wouldn’t impact his performance during the IPL. He emphasized that his focus is on fulfilling the role assigned to him as part of the team.