The IPL 2025 auction saw Kerala’s Vignesh Puthur become one of the standout names, as the Mumbai Indians picked the 23-year-old spinner for INR 30 lakhs, his base price. Hailing from Perinthalmanna in Malappuram, Vignesh’s journey to the big league is a story of grit and perseverance.
Coming from a poor family, Vignesh’s father, Sunil Kumar, works as an auto driver, and his mother, K.P. Bindhu, is a housewife. Despite limited resources, his parents never compromised in supporting his cricketing ambitions. Under the guidance of his mentor, Vijayan, Vignesh excelled in Kerala’s age-group cricket, representing the U-14, U-19, and U-23 teams.
Although yet to debut for Kerala’s senior side, Vignesh impressed the Mumbai Indians’ selectors during trials. His standout performances in the Kerala Premier League, where he played for the Alleppey Ripples, further boosted his reputation. Vignesh’s IPL journey symbolizes hope for aspiring cricketers, proving that hard work and determination can overcome the toughest odds.
The IPL auction also brought success for other Kerala players, with Vishnu Vinod joining Punjab Kings for INR 95 lakhs and Sachin Baby signing with Sunrisers Hyderabad for INR 30 lakhs. However, Kerala-born pacer Sandeep Warrier, now playing for Tamil Nadu, went unsold despite being listed twice.