During the upcoming white-ball series between India and England from January 22 to February 12, Jio and Star will share broadcasting rights. Despite JioCinema originally securing exclusive media rights under Viacom18’s INR 5,963 crore deal with BCCI, the matches will be shown live on Star Sports and Disney+ Hotstar.
On December 23, Star Sports announced the collaboration on social media. The eight India vs England matches, scheduled between January 22 and February 12, will be broadcast live on Star Sports and Disney+ Hotstar. This marks the beginning of a new phase in shared broadcasting.
Sports18 and JioCinema, the original platforms, will still stream and broadcast the India vs England white-ball series, providing viewers with multiple options to watch the matches. However, Star’s platforms will be the main broadcasters for the series, ensuring a wide reach for the cricketing action across various platforms.
Future collaborations may involve major ICC events, such as the Champions Trophy, being streamed on both Star and Jio’s platforms. While Disney Star holds the rights to ICC events, these events could also be available on JioCinema and Sports18, offering viewers more options to watch these prestigious tournaments.