India’s star batter and former captain, Virat Kohli, has found himself at the centre of a controversy in Australia ahead of the crucial fourth Test of the Border-Gavaskar Trophy. The series, tied at 1-1, has all eyes on the Melbourne showdown, but Kohli’s off-field interaction at the Melbourne airport has grabbed headlines. Kohli, travelling with his wife Anushka Sharma and their children, reportedly confronted journalist Nat Yoannidis for filming his family. While he allowed videos of himself, he requested the removal of footage involving his family.
Nat was out there with a cameraman, a Channel 7 reporter was out there with his cameraman and they were doing what we do on a daily basis essentially, and that’s be at the airport to actually get identities, whether they’re politicians, whether they’re sporting identities or whatever. Well, duh! You’re a batting superstar, you’re a global superstar in the world of cricket, and he takes umbrage to the fact that the attention is focused on him. What really got my back up when I saw the footage was that he turned around to the three blokes, the two cameramen and the reporter from Channel 7, and said you guys are OK, it’s her.
The Australian media criticized his actions, with journalist Tony Jones labelling Kohli a “bully” and calling his behaviour “unbecoming.” The criticism also extended to Ravindra Jadeja, who faced backlash for conducting a press conference in Hindi, leaving Australian reporters frustrated. This incident adds to Kohli’s history of heated moments in Australia, including three notable instances of temper loss. Despite the controversy, the focus remains on Kohli’s performance in the upcoming Boxing Day Test.