The Indian team has been practicing with intensity ahead of the upcoming Boxing Day Test at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG). During this session, a heartwarming moment was captured when a father introduced his son to Virat Kohli, calling him the “best batter in the world”. This interaction, filmed at the MCG, went viral on social media, showcasing the admiration Kohli commands not only in India but across the globe. Despite recent struggles in the ongoing Border-Gavaskar Trophy 2024-25, Kohli remains a formidable presence, with over 2,000 runs and an average of 46.12 against Australia.
Kohli’s legacy in Melbourne is particularly remarkable, with a stellar average of 52.57, including a memorable 169-run knock in 2014 against a fiery Australian pace attack. As the Indian team gears up for the fourth Test, Kohli will be eager to rediscover his form in a venue where he has enjoyed great success. The viral video highlights Kohli’s status as a youth icon, not just in India but around the world, as fans and cricketers alike continue to look up to his achievements on and off the field.