India has been captivated by the enduring love story of Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli, who tied the knot in a private ceremony in Tuscany, Italy, in December 2017. Their wedding, attended by only 40 close friends and family members, set new trends in simplicity and intimacy, including pastel bridal lehengas and a paparazzi-free celebration.
The couple’s wedding song, “Peer Vi Tu”, sung by Harshdeep Kaur, beautifully reflected their deep bond and spiritual connection. In a recent podcast, Harshdeep revealed that the song’s essence captured how Anushka and Virat “see God in each other”, emphasizing their mutual respect and devotion. She described her experience recording the song as deeply emotional, guided by the director Vishal Punjabi’s brief to internalize the couple’s profound love.
Now married for seven years, the power couple is raising two children, Vamika, born in January 2021, and Akaay, born in February 2024. Anushka and Virat’s commitment to keeping their personal lives genuine and unaffected by celebrity status continues to inspire fans worldwide. Their relationship exemplifies a blend of love, spirituality, and authenticity, making them a beacon of modern-day romance.