Legendary Indian cricketer Anil Kumble took to social media to clarify a false statement attributed to him concerning Indian cricket captains Rohit Sharma and Virat Kohli. A post, which went viral, claimed that Kumble criticized Rohit’s handling of Travis Head in the ongoing Test series against Australia, suggesting it was “disgraceful captaincy.” Kumble swiftly addressed the issue, denying any connection to the post and urging followers to disregard the fabricated comments.
In his official statement on social media, Kumble stated:
It has come to my attention that some social media accounts are using my image and attributing fabricated quotes to me. I want to categorically deny any association with these accounts and their content. The statements being circulated are not my views and do not reflect my opinions in any way. I urge everyone to be vigilant and not believe everything they see on social media. Please verify the authenticity of any information before sharing it. My official social media channels are the only reliable source for my views and statements. Sincerely, Anil Kumble.
Meanwhile, former Australian cricketer Allan Border and ex-England captain Michael Vaughan expressed concerns over Virat Kohli’s struggles in the current Test series. Kohli has been dismissed multiple times chasing balls outside the off-stump, leading Border to question whether the star batter has “lost that edge.” Vaughan also pointed out Kohli’s tendency to play balls he could leave, suggesting this approach has contributed to his recent downfall.